Hi, I’m Bob (Bobbin).

Did you know you can Sponsor me?

Available to FOSTER or ADOPT

I want to find my forever adoptive home but I am also looking for a foster home so I can be in the comfort of a warm home for my senior years while I wait to be adopted...and who knows once you know me you may just fall in love <3

More About Me

  • Breed – Miniature Yorkshire Terrier

  • Size – Small     

  • Sex - Male 

  • Age - 12 years 

  • Colour - Tan & Black 

  • Live with children – Never

  • Live with other dogs - No

  • Live with cats / small animals – Possibly a dog confident quiet cat 

  • Temperament – Playful, Sweet 

  • Knows basic commands - Sit, Paw

  • Able to be left - 4 hours 

  • Adoption fee - £150 

    All of our dogs come neutered, vaccinated & microchipped, unless stated otherwise. 

As I have a few health conditions I was made a Sponsor dog so the very kind supporters who want to can help pay towards my veterinary fee’s and ongoing care.

I am a bit of a cheeky character and due to my health and grumpy side my carers know finding me a foster or adoptive home is not a easy job and I have already been here for nearly 2 years.

Sponsoring helps support my ongoing care needs and costs and I can be a forever resident, if I can’t find a home or I’m not happy in a home, I can stay here at the Sanctuary for the rest of my day where I am happy and loved for just being me with people that understand me.

My story so far…

Hi, I’m Bob, although my carers often call me Bobbin. I came into the sanctuary as my owner was moving home and felt they could no longer give me what I needed. I like to have fuss and attention on my own terms and can be very sweet when I feel like it, but I also love my "me" time away from people. I just potter about, chill in bed or play with my many toys (especially the loud squeaky ones!) 

I am not a fan of the vets or groomers and because of this I came in to the sanctuary quite matted. Although the staff here are still trying to convince me it really isn't that scary, I just find it too stressful and snap, so I have to go to the vets to be sedated to be clipped and health checked properly as its the kindest thing for me.

I love life here at the sanctuary. I love going out into the paddocks and seeing what’s going on - although if its windy or raining, I will take myself back off into my bed!

Home I am looking for…

I am looking for an adult only home with people that can understand I shouldn't be over handled and need my own space I can go to be left alone to sleep or play. I am relatively low maintenance - I will come to you for fuss if I want it, but other than that I make my own fun and like being left to my own devices.

Due to my behaviour, I would not be able to be around any visiting children as I can snap when people are in my space, when I do not want them to be. This is easily managed with visiting adults that can respect my boundaries and provide safe space away from any visitors in another room etc. Owners must warn every visitor of my temperament before they enter my home to ensure that they don’t antagonise me in any way.

I could potentially live with a quiet cat in the home, but I cannot live with any dogs as I can get a bit grumpy on days where I'm not feeling myself and want my own space.

I wouldn’t need walks in the home if I have access to a garden due to my tracheal collapse. I wouldn’t be able to walk on a harness and a collar would put too much pressure on me for now.

I cannot be allowed on the furniture in my home due to my resource guarding behaviours. I have a habit of believing that everything that I touch is mine!! This means I can react by snapping and biting if someone goes to sit on the sofa/bed that I am on. My carers would advise that I have my own space and stick to that to avoid any bites or anything similar arising.

Behaviour & Training

Due to how stressful I find being groomed and vet checked, I would need someone who is prepared to work with my carers here at the sanctuary to learn the best ways to handle me. Owners must be willing to take me for regular health checks and hair cuts when needed. It is not the easiest thing to do, so my carers will be on hand to help where needed.

I do really well with a routine and knowing what to expect - because then there is no reason for me to bite! I can become worried by lots of over handling and this makes me react by biting and snapping, so prospective owners need to be aware of this and take care not to upset me as I wont give you much warning when I have had enough (even if I was just being cute to get attention 2 seconds before).

I have made a few dog friends (or acquaintances) here at the sanctuary, we all just give each other space and say our occasional hellos but otherwise are quite content to be apart which is just how I like it. I'm really not fond of dogs pushing into my space or being too playful with me, so I’d prefer a home without any other canine friends.

Medical History…

Since coming into the sanctuary I appeared to have some stiffness and occasional limping on my back leg and started having behaviour changes like not wanting to go on my walks. So, when at the vets to have my health check (and much needed hair cut), I also had X-rays of my back and legs which showed I have spondylosis meaning my spine is fused together in two places. I also have a mild luxating patella on my hind left leg. Since then, I have been on some pain relief which seems to be helping. It does mean that some days, I may not be up to moving around too much, and just want to chill around the house.

Because of my hair being matted I do need regular baths to get my skin looking healthier and keep me in good condition. My carers can help with this because it really is not an easy job!

I have been undergoing treatment for my eyes, as I have an ulcer in one of them and unfortunately for a while this was not getting better. I have since been diagnosed with blepharitis and I will need to have ointment and eye lubrication in my eyes every day twice daily for likely the rest of my life. My carers have worked with me and now I am pretty good for this! This would need to be continued and kept up with in a home environment. My carers can go through my medical history and what this would entail in more detail with anyone that wishes to adopt me.

More recently my carers have been worried about an occasionaly cough I have and raspy/ congested breathing at times. So off to the vets once again where they took a X-ray of my chest. The X-ray showed I have a tracheal collapse with a very narrow trachea airway. It also showed I have an enlarged heart. I am currently trialing medication to see if my breathing improves so hopefully I will be feeling a bit better soon.

My triggers…

-Periods of handling or over handling me.

-Resource guarding furniture, food, toys and beds.

-The vets & general grooming.

Things to note…

Anyone interested in adopting me would need to spend a lot of time coming to the sanctuary to get to know me well before taking me home.

New owners must be prepared to follow and use my management thats been put in place to help me live my best life while helping avoid situations that I find stressful where possible. My carers will talk to anyone about this further and make sure they are comfortable with everything on the meets as you get to know me! :)

If you think you could offer me the home I need, please fill out an Adoption Enquiry Form. Please make sure you have read about all of my needs and our adoption policies before applying.

Forms lacking in detail or with questions unanswered may not be considered, we need to ensure we are matching our cats to the right home for them.



