Hi, I’m Tigger

I am a very friendly, loving old boy looking for my retirement home! 

 Available for rehoming on a permanent Foster basis

More About Me

  • Breed - Domestic Shorthair

  • Sex - Male

  • Age - 18 years old

  • Colour - Ginger

  • Neutered - Yes

  • Vaccinated - Yes

  • Microchipped - Yes

  • FIV/FeLV blood tested- Yes (Negative)

  • Live with children - Yes 8+

  • Live with other cats -No

  • Live with dogs -No

  • Temperament -Friendly, loving, chilled

  • Indoor-only or outdoor access- Either- Can be indoor only Or could have access to a garden in a safe environment

    Will NOT be rehomed on or near any main/busy roads and/or railway lines.

    Home and environmental check applies.

My story so far…

Hello my name is Tigger

My story is actually quite sad. I ended up at the sanctuary after my previous owner, who had me all my life decided to dump me and abandon me in my carrier ourside the sanctuary gates after 18 years. I was riddled in fleas and not chipped so nothing was known about me to begin with. Through the power of social media though, my carers found out about my background after a number of people who were previous neighbours recognised me and came forward with further information about me. My carer was so grateful to be told my name was TIgger and I was 18 years old. My main carer says that I should not have been treated this way like something so easily disposable. The positive side of ending up at the sanctuary meant that I am now getting the proper love and care I require.

I never received the proper veterinary treatment I needed and was not fed a good diet but now I am being treated like a King and have been told this will continue in my retirement home.

 I am a very friendly boy and I enjoy human company and affection. My previous neighbours have told my carer I used to be a little cheeky when I was younger but I have certainly mellowed with age. I only want lots of yummy food, loves and a cosy spot to sleep in. I am really hoping to find my retirement home very soon because a good home definitely beats living in a rescue especially at my age. I am lucky enough though to enjoy a big kitchen space with a window to look out of during the day times with a nice comfy spot for me to have a snooze. Of course as an old boy, I am very fond of snoozing. I do still have my occasional playful moments too though.

Please read my medical notes to learn about my current health.

Home I am looking for…

I am looking for a retirement foster home. This is very similar to adoption except I will still be under the care of the sanctuary as they will continue to cover the cost of any further veterinary treatment I require. My fosterer will need to be able to drive to take me to any future appointments at Southcrest vets in Redditch. This is the vets the sanctuary use, so It would be preferred that a potential foster home lives within close enough proximity to this vets.

When placing foster cats into forever homes, the sanctuary just ask fosterers to cover the cost of everything other than my veterinary costs. As long as I get some decent yummy food and treats then I'm happy!

As part of being a foster animal, the sanctuary will require regular updates about me and my health. They will also support in any way they can.

The sanctuary will consider anyone that wishes to adopt me but they will need to be in a good financial position to be able to afford veterinary treatment for my ongoing health problem (Asthma) and any other issues that may arise now I am an older boy.

Due to my health needs I am looking for a home where someone is home a lot for me.

I could live with a sensible child or two 8+ years as long as they respect my space and as long as I have some child free spaces I can go to if I wanted too.

I can be kept as an indoor only cat as im an old boy now and mostly just sleep and chill so this is preferable. Although not essential I could have some safe outdoor access in a nice garden secured with fencing after a settling in period of at least 8 weeks indoors. This is to make sure I am settled in my home and bonded with my new humans before being allowed out into the big world! I was still known for being a bit of a roamer so my home would still need to be well away from any main/busy roads and railway lines for my own safety.

Home and Road/environmental checks apply. 

Medical History…

There is no previous medical history known about me prior to coming to the sanctuary.

Since being here I have been to the vets a number of times now for health checks, my vaccinations and blood work. My blood levels all came back normal which is great for my age.

I did require a dental and a chest xray which I had recently. I had 6 teeth out that were all quite rotten. My mouth is healing well now though. I had some big old man lumps on my chin which actually turned out to be spots and nothing serious. I had these drained and cleaned and now my chin is now so clear!

I had a chest xray due to some crackliness the vet heard on my chest and some coughing fits induced by stress that occured a few times whilst at the vets. My breathing sometimes can seem a little laboured particularly if I am stressed.

I have now been diagnosed with Asthma and have to have an inhaler daily (currently twice a day although I can be given extra doses as and when necessary). I will need regular breathing check ups for my Asthma at Southcrest vets. My next check up is due early September.

My carer will discuss my health with a potential fosterer in further detail. They will also be shown how to administer my inhaler and provide further guidance where needed.

If you think you could offer me the home I need, please fill out an Adoption Enquiry Form. Please make sure you have read about all of my needs and our adoption policies before applying.

Forms lacking in detail or with questions unanswered may not be considered, we need to ensure we are matching our cats to the right home for them.



