Hi, I’m Lola

I’m currently in a lng term foster home while I get back to full health

Please help me as I recover by donating towards my veterinary care

More About Me

  • Breed -Jack Russel Terrier mix

  • Size - Small

  • Sex - Female

  • Age - 11 years

  • Colour - White & Brindle

  • Live with children - Children 5+ (She is very sweet but she might snatch food or toys if held at Lola height)

  • Live with other dogs - No, she needs to be only pet in the home for now due to health

  • Live with cats / small animals - No, she needs to be only pet in the home for now due to health

  • Temperament - Sweet, friendly, very affectionate & food motivated

  • Knows basic commands -None

  • Able to be left - Up to 2 hours built up over a period of time

  • Adoption fee - £150

    All of our dogs come neutered, vaccinated & microchipped, unless stated otherwise.

  • *LOLA is not neutered (Entire) and will be neutered once she is back to full health

My story so far…

Hey I am Lola! I was surrendered to WAS unexpectedly at the end of November. My owner had to go into care and I was left needing help.

When I first came in, I was in a sorry state and the carers whisked me off to the vets right away. The vets found out I was dehydrated, aneamic and generally very unwell. I was kept in the hospital for 24hrs and in their amazing care they were able to give me fluids, medication and a much needed bath. They gave me some relief from my very sore skin! The next day, I was able to come back to the Sanctuary where the carers continued my care <3

My carers describe me as an absolute sweetheart and both the vet staff and the team here have fallen in love with me! I am very friendly and love a cuddle but we all know my true love is food!!!!

Day 1

Day 1

Day 8

Day 8

Home I am looking for…

While I am still making my way back to full health, I am looking for a quiet foster home that can give me all the attention I very much deserve.

My carers think I would like someone around most of the day as I love to be with people, but if needs be I think could be left up to 2 hours.

I still require regular check ups at the vets so foster carers would need to be able to either travel to our vets in redditch or bring me up to the sanctuary and collect me afterwards so that my carers here can take me to the appointments.

I have recently been on a foster trial that did not work out.

I am a scrounger and I will stick my nose into everything! I need a “Lola proof” home with any food making sure it is out of my reach and put away (I will try to jump onto chairs or on the sofa to reach if its put up on a table or shelf).

Medical history…

I went to the vets the day I came to the Sanctuary as I was very unwell. The vets found I was quite dehydrated, aneamic and generally unwell, in part due to my very sore skin.

The vets were able towork out what was wrong with my skin it turns out I was suffereing from sarcoptic mange. I have since recieved treatment for this and as you can see from the photo’s above only a week later I was already feeling much better and I’ve continued to improve!

My latest blood results showed that my aneamia (iron levels) are slowly starting to improve and I’m starting to put more weight on, which is good. However, it also showed an increase in white blood cells (this could be for different reasons, such as inflammation or possible infection).

I am currently having regular checks at the vets (approx every 2 weeks) while I’m still vunrable with my health. My next vet visit is Thursday 12th December so hopefully I can update you all more then. For now my carers and kind volunteers are keeping a close eye on me and giving me lots of love so hopefully it wont be long until I make a full recovery.

The vets also found I have a small mammary tumour which will need removing (hopefully it can be removed while I am spayed) but it is of little concern at the moment so my careres and the vets are focusing on getting me stronger first.

The treatment the vets gave me works within 3-4 weeks and I will hopefully be able to move to a foster home if I can find a nice quiet space to recover and get lots of loves, once I am no longer contagious.

If you think you could offer me the home I need, please fill out an Adoption Enquiry Form. Please make sure you have read about all of my needs and our adoption policies before applying.

Forms lacking in detail or with questions unanswered may not be considered, we need to ensure we are matching our animals to the right home for them.




Joey - Reserved