Hi, I’m Bella.

I’d like a sweet family home to chill out in.

More About Me

  • Breed - Dogue De Bordeaux

  • Size - Large

  • Sex - Female

  • Age - 4 years

  • Colour - Tan

  • Live with children - Older children 10+ but would consider younger if very used to large dogs

  • Live with other dogs - Would prefer a home as an only pet but could live with another dog if the match was successful

  • Live with cats / small animals - No

  • Temperament - Nervous at first, Sweet, Friendly

  • Knows basic commands - Sit, Paw

  • Able to be left - Up to 4 hours built up over a period of time

  • Adoption fee - £250

    All of our dogs come neutered, vaccinated & microchipped, unless stated otherwise.

My story so far…

I was originally from a breeder and was rehomed after almost a year to my first home with a mother and her adult daughter. This was a very loving home, however, due my owners pre-existing physical limitations along with my size and age at the time, I ended up spending a lot of my time in the kitchen and garden alone. In December 2022, when I was 2 years old, my owners health further deteriorated and the decision was made to  rehome me. They knew I needed more than they could provide, as I was only getting periodic walks from a visiting family member.

I spent 6 months in kennels in rescue, which I really struggled with. I found being shut away really scary and I became depressed, not being able to  eat or sleep when everyone left me at night. I lost a lot of weight and was exhausted when finally with my friends - everyone was really worried about me. I showed some sensitivity towards unknown men, sometimes being wary and woofing at them, but they found I would soon warm up and believed it was likely due to having limited experiences with them!

I was rehomed in June 2023, to a man with his other younger dog and visiting teenage daughter. I was for the most part, very happy here and my best friend in the world was his daughter, so I was especially delighted when she moved in. However, the other dog in the home had some anxieties of her own and this led to our relationship deteriorating and I got quite badly hurt by her. My owner worked with a Trainer, who in July 2024 offered to take me into her home with her husband, to allow both dogs and the owner respite and to allow an assessment into our relationship and my behaviour around dogs to see where it had gone wrong in a safe environment. They found that I was not the primary instigator of aggression within the home, whilst also being able to integrate and live successfully with another dog in this home and meeting dogs on walks. After discussing options, it was decided that I would stay here and we would reach out to rescues who might help us rehome without me having to go into kennels by the Trainers offering to be signed up to Foster me.

Wythall agreed to offer help and we all fortunately passed our assessments late August 2024, so I am ready to find my permanent home!

Home I am looking for…

I don’t need a rural home, but I do LOVE rural or park walks the absolute best! My fosterers have found I can also be a bit worried by loud bangs outside that will make me bark and whilst I am adapting and improving with this, a home that doesn’t have loads going on outside might be beneficial to helping me stop practicing this!

I can be quite shy with new people; generally I just ignore people I don’t know, but unknown men I can sometimes make me want to bark a few times, especially if they just come into the house! I usually like to meet them outside on a walk first to get to know them and after a few dates, I never forget a face! So my ideal type of home is one where the visitors are our consistent friends and family, rather than frequent new people or homes that likes to have parties! Also, because I REALLY hate kennels, having friends/family who I can make friends with would be a great option for if you wanted to holiday without me

Although I am shy, once I know you I am very much bonded, and a loyal companion. Because I got left alone a lot growing up, I really struggle with the fear of being locked away or left behind still and I might gently cry, pace, not eat and embarrassingly even though I am usually perfectly house trained, wet myself. My foster parents say I am doing amazingly so far with my separation training – I sleep downstairs alone through the night now and they have left me a few hours where I have been relatively settled with no toileting incidents. Whilst I would consider a home with a single person, I think a home that had multiple adults who worked different patterns might be easier in allowing me to be able to continue building my confidence being left. I could potentially live with older children who are used to living with a big dog pending meets first

In my first home there was a cat, and as I was alone a lot and didn’t have many toys, I learnt to chase him in the garden for fun! My fosterers don’t think there is a full “prey drive” in my intent, but I am very hard to distract as I think it’s a great game! I could potentially live with another dog, pending introductions, however I think I would want them to be older, laid back and experienced with living with another dog. Whilst I am currently living successfully in foster with a dog, my fosters do think it would be nice for me to get some one on one TLC though after my last homing experiences.

I LOVE my walks! I don’t mind where we go or for how long, I will happily jump in the car for any adventure! I am for the most part pretty good on lead, however, I can be strong. Whilst I do not lunge/try to run, I might start pulling towards where I have seen a cat go under a car or for example if its very loud outside I will pick up my pace to try to get move away faster. I am really good in more rural areas or parks and work well for treats- and toys! I love watching kids play football in the park and am always casually trying to get close enough that it might get kicked towards me and I can join in!! it happened one time, it could happen again!

Behaviour & Training

I am a very sweet, goofy bull breed! I love my creature comforts and being a lap dog- if I fits I will definitely sits, we might just have different opinions on what “fits” is…  I love going on road trips and will happily jump in the car and travel with you anywhere, even just to the shops! Although if we can do a road trip, my ultimate destination would definitely be to see the coast and go in the ocean! I LOVE water! My other favourite things include;

·        Toys- all toys really, but I do especially like those soft squeaky vegetables! I also love balls! I really like having games that I can either play with you or play with myself.

·        Being involved in anything you are doing, I am very nosey and always willing to lend a paw.

·        Creature comforts- I love a soft bed or blanket and a lazy daytime nap. I do love my walks, but I don’t have endless stamina so am happy to chill out.

I am a very good girl for the vets and being bathed. I take treats gently and whilst I might have a bit of a counter surf when unsupervised for left over crumbs, am a very good girl with not taking anything that’s not mine- but I will let you take anything of mine!

I would love to say I am perfect, but unfortunately I am quite a worried girl who lacks some confidence. This means I really depend on my family to feel safe, so I can struggle with being left alone and can be quite wary meeting new men. I can also be vocal to noises outside or if I think someone is at the front door, which apparently can be quite common for my breed.

I am very much a “no drama” girl most of the time and thus choose to ignore people I don’t know or am worried by - however this means then when making new friends, I can come across very  “aloof” at first! If meeting new men, I may bark a few times initially if I become worried. I need owners that are either experienced with this, or willing to continue doing meets to get past this stage and see the soft goofball I really am <3

I have been working hard on separation training within my foster home, along with other training, so owners willing to continue doing this would be needed. My fosterers who are dog trainers and the carers at the Sanctuary are willing to continue offering support to the new owners throughout the adoption process and post-adoption.

I tend to exhibit more subtle signs of stress and fear such as avoidance, displacement behaviours and silent body language, instead of vocalisation, aggression and/or destruction that most dogs exhibit in scenarios they are not comfortable in. This can mean that sometimes people might mis-read me and put me into situations I am not comfortable with yet. A willingness to learn this for me or be experienced with having had a dog that presented their anxiety in a similar way would be ideal - although my fosterers and the carers at the Sanctuary are more than happy to advise on how to learn these signals.

I am also going through some lead training to ensure I walk nicely on the lead. This will need to be continued in the home.

Medical history…

I am technically classed as a Brachycephalic breed as a Dogue De Bordeaux. Whilst I have not presented with any major breathing issues, it is important noting aspects that come with this such as not being suitable for extreme exercise or hot temperatures. They can also be prone to bloat via taking in air when eating/drinking - so the latest advice on how to avoid bloat should be followed.

I do have scars on my front legs from the incidents with the other dog in the home, whereby I did require stiches for superficial injuries but no major damage was caused.

When I was younger , I got my front leg stuck in a crate. This is no longer an issue for me but I do still find crates really scary so wouldn’t be able to go to a home I would be crated in.

I can be prone to itchy skin and gas if fed low quality food. I haven’t been allergy tested but it can be fairly typical for my breed to have some food sensitivities.

If you think you could offer me the home I need, please fill out an Adoption Enquiry Form. Please make sure you have read about all of my needs and our adoption policies before applying.

