I’m Alfie
She then realised how expensive it is to properly care for a pony and unfortunately was unable to keep up with the costs. So she contacted the Sanctuary; they had space and were able to take me in.
I came to the sanctuary in 2010 after a woman saw me at a very young age, for sale in a market looking very sad, and bought me there and then.
I’m a Grey Welsh Pony, and don’t I know it!
I’ve always been quite nervous in new environments, but once a structured routine is established, I become much more sure of myself and can be a bit cheeky when I feel like it.
After the vets took a blood test, we found that it was Cushing’s Syndrome, a disorder of the pituitary gland, which can cause weight gain, abnormal thirst and urination, laminitis, and affects when I shed my coat during the hot summer as well as my breathing.
A few years ago, my carer was doing some training with me and a rider in the paddock when they noticed I was making noises when breathing while she rode me.
Along with my medication for Cushing’s, I have daily inhalers for my breathing issues that help me to continue bronking around my paddock!
Because of my various conditions, I require constant monitoring and so the decision was made for me to stay at the Sanctuary with my best friend Bungle.
I might be a grey pony but I sure do love trying new looks with mud in my paddock! I can be a whole new colour if I want!
Although I have some health issues, it hasn’t stopped me getting rosettes for competitions! I have won my fair share of rosettes from online competions that I do with one of my carers.
Please Sponsor Me
To help me continue playing with my best friend Bungle, running around our paddock together.
To provide me with as much enrichment as I can get, keeping my mind active and keep my eating habits in check!
To give me a place that I know won’t ever give up on me, and will stay the same for years to come.
And to give me as muuuuuch hay as possible!